As we near the close of another year at Topaz Salon I would like to show thanks and gratitude. Whether you visit 6 times a year or 1, your support of this small business matters more than you know. The vision at Topaz has always been to offer a safer hair care experience free from toxic chemicals and a gender inclusive service menu that serves ALL of our community. As with any small business there have been changes along the way in how we run things and you have shown patience and understanding, and for that I am most grateful.
Remember, a visit is just one way to support our small business (and others!) Wherever you are at this holiday season if you would like to continue to support Topaz here are some other ways to share your appreciation.
You could leave us a review on google
Share photos on Instagram if that’s your thing and tag us @topaz_salon (find your stylists handle linked there too)
Refer a friend!
Shop our affiliate links on our products page.
Drop us a note through our old school mail slot on our front door!
A refresher on booking an appointment. ALL of our stylists schedules are available to book online up to 8 weeks in advance. This type of scheduling gives us as service providers a bit more flexibility in scheduling time off when needed. Simply pop over to our stylist & booking page find your preferred stylist and follow the links directly to their booking. If your preferred date and time is not available there is a waitlist option. It is important to make sure the notifications are toggled on in your vagaro profile, our waitlist is mostly automated and you will receive notifications if a spot becomes available.
As of right now both Kelly and Deirdre are booked through the end of the year (waitlist is an option) and Mk has availability. If you would like to guarantee an appointment before the end of the year please book with Mk here . If you have any questions regarding stylist suitability for your needs or what service to book you can always send an email .
Alright my friends, the real reason you read through all my ramblings! The cold moon is approaching. And cold it has been, with clear skies for perfect starry night viewing. The moon will be full Wednesday Dec 7th at 8:09 pm and it may be cloudy but as we all know in the PNW the weather forecast is unpredictable. You can start looking for that big bright moon as it starts rising late afternoon before sunset to the northeast.
This time around rather than discussing our astrological alignment with the current moon lets learn about the naming of the full moons. The naming of the full moon comes from our Native ancestors who gave the big bright orb in the sky names based on behavior of animals, plants, weather, and even the people. The cold moon has many other names. tsothohrha is a Mohawk name referring to the frigid conditions. shanáx dis is of the Tlingit people of the PNW meaning unborn seals are getting hair. gáangálang kungáay means ripe berries and is from the Haida peoples of Alaska. And from the Kalapuya people just south of us in Oregon adshampak meaning not bad weather! The Samish name is S7elálexw meaning moon of the elders. These are all Colonial American interpretations that roughly align with the months of the Gregorian calendar. Native Americans did not record time using months but rather a lunar cycle. For some tribes a year consists of 12, others 13. The names of these moons may even change year to year. Some of my other favorite translations of our next full moon are Long Night Moon and Storytelling Moon. So when you look up at that beautiful bright moon this month (and every month) let’s think of our Native ancestors who named them.
Stay cozy my friends! ~ Kelly